Orijinalini görmek için tıklayınız : Attila Yazar

26.01.2010, 08:55
Prof. Dr. Attila YAZAR


Lisans: Ziraat Mühendisi (Toprak Bilimi), Atatürk Üniversitesi, Erzurum/TÜRKİYE

Yüksek Lisans: Agricultural Engineering (Soil and Water Conservation), University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA

Doktora: Agricultural Engineering (Irrigation), University of Nebraska, Lincoln Nebraska, USA

Uzmanlık Alan(lar)ı: Basınçlı Sulama Sistemleri, Su Yönetimi


1. Effect of Drip Irrigation Management on Yield and Quality of Field Grown Green Beans. Agr. Water Management 71 (2005):243-255 ,

2. Determination of the Crop water relations of the wheat under Cukurova Conditions. Tr. Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, Vol 20 (1):41- ,

3. Evaporation and Drift Losses from Sprinkler Irrigation Systems UnderVarious Operating Conditions". Agricultural Water Management, 8: 439-449. 1984,

4. Çukurova Koşullarında Yağmurlama Yöntemiyle Sulanan İkinci Ürün Soyada Evapotranspirasyon Verim İlişkilerinin Belirlenmesi". TÜBİTAK-TOAG (551). 1989,

5. Utilization of Infrared Thermometry Technique for Assessing Crop 1990,

6. Irrigation scheduling in agronomic practice. In Sustainability of Irrigated Agriculture (edts) L.S. Pereira et al. NATO ASI Series E: Applied Sciences-Vol. 312: 251-266. 1995,

7. Performance Evaluation of the Lower Seyhan Irriagtion Project in Turkey. Proceedings of the Cooperative Research Network on Collective Irrigation Systems. CIHEAM-IAM-Bari and CEC-DGI.,November 23-25, Rabat, Morocco. 1995,

8. Yüzey Sulamada Karıklara Otomatik Su Sağlayan Cablegation Sisteminin Geliştirilmesi. TÜBITAK-TOAG-911 1995,

9. Yield and Water Use Efficiency of Corn in Response to LEPA Irrigation. Transactions of the ASAE vol 36 (6):1737-1747. 1995,

10. Çukurova Koşullarında Yetiştirilen I. Ürün Mısır Bitkisinde Infrared Termometre Değerlerinden Yararlanılarak Bitki Su Stresi İndeksi (CWSI) ve Sulama Zamanının Belirlenmesi. TOGTAG-511 1997,

11. Verification and Validation of Ceres-Wheat Model Under Çukurova Conditions. Tr. Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 21:335-343. 1997,

12. Cotton and Wheat Yield Response to Low Quality Drainage Water and Different leaching Fractions in the Mediterranean region of Turkey. Proceedings of Int. Conf. On “ Water Management, Salinity and Pollution Control Towards Sustainable Irrigation in the Mediterranean Region” CIHEAM/MAI-Bari, Italy, 22-26 Sept., 1997,

13. Performance Evaluation of On-Farm Sprinkler Irrigation Systems. Proceedings of Int. Conf. On “ Water Management, Salinity and Pollution Control Towards Sustainable Irrigation in the Mediterranean Region” CIHEAM/MAI-Bari, Italy, 22-26 Sept., 1997,

14. Performance Evaluation of On-Farm Sprinkler Irrigation Systems. Proceedings of Int. Conf. On “ Water Management, Salinity and Pollution Control Towards Sustainable Irrigation in the Mediterranean Region” CIHEAM/MAI-Bari, Italy, 22-26 Sept., 1999,

15. Damlatıcı Debileri ve Uygulanan Sulama Suyu Miktarlarına Bağlı Olarak Damlatıcı Aralıklarının Belirlenmesi. Tr. J. of Agriculture and Forestry, TÜBİTAK. 22 (42-50). 1999,

16. Kısıntılı Su Uygulamalarının Mısır Verimine ve Su Kullanım Randımanına Etkileri. Tr. J. of Agriculture and Forestry, TÜBİTAK. 23 (233-241). 1999,

17. Evaluation of Crop Water Stress Index for LEPA Irrigated Corn. Irrigation Science 18:171-180. 1999,

18. Harran Ovasında düşük basınçlı LEPA ve damla sistemleriyle pamuk ve mısır bitkilerinin sulanma ilkelerinin oluşturulması.TARP- TOGTAG-1856. 2001,

19. Water Saving in Irrigated Agriculture (WASIA). Sustainable use of highly saline water for irrigation of crops under arid and semi-arid conditions: New Strategies. EU, CIHEAM-IAM-Bari 2002,

20. LEPA and trickle irrigation of cotton in the Southeast Anatolia Project (GAP) area in Turkey. Agricultural Water Management 54:189-203. 2002,

21. Drip irrigation of corn in the Southeast Anatolia Project (GAP) area in Turkey. Irrigation and Drainage 51:293-300. 2002,

22. Corn Yield Response to Saline Irrigation Water Applied with a Trickle System. Food, Agriculture and Environment. vol 1 (2):198-202 2003,

23. Water Saving in Irrigated Agriculture (WASIA). Sustainable use of highly saline water for irrigation of crops under arid and semi-arid conditions: New Strategies. EU, CIHEAM-IAM-Bari. 25-29 May 2003,

24. Corn yield response to saline irrigation water applied with a trickle system. In the Proceedings of an Int. Workshop on Sustainable Startegies for Irrigation in Salt-prone Mediterranean Region: A System Approach. Cairo, Egypt, December 8-10, 2003,